Radio and TV spots to adopt the right gestures in the face of the heat


The thermometer may climb to near 40 degrees in some areas. – Patrick Seeger / dpa / AFP

The thermometer should show between 36 and 39 degrees in the southeast of the country. The heat wave should be in the long term, predicts Météo Franc. To fight against these scorching heat, spots must be broadcast from Tuesday, on radio and television. Objective: to alert the public about the risks of dehydration and the preventive measures to be adopted in times of heat wave

?️La #chaleur starts to rise again in the middle of the week with the arrival of a mbad of Saharan air bringing scorching conditions in many regions! #Canicule ▶ https: //

– Weather-France (@meteofrance) July 30, 2018

These spotlights describe, among other things, the symptoms of a "heat stroke" that must alert and detail the right actions to adopt: among other things, drink abundantly and frequently (but no alcohol), regularly wet the body, close the shutters, avoid physical effort

Call for solidarity

They will be broadcast six times a day, free of charge, by all television and radio channels. This communication operation, which will last at least a week, will also be relayed on social networks. "The whole population is affected by the heat wave, and is at risk of dehydration," said Health Minister Agnès Buzyn, speaking after a crisis meeting at the ministry.

"We are going to face a period of heat wave very important," insisted the minister, who called for the "solidarity" of the French. "You have to look at the state of health of your neighbor, the isolation of a senior who lives" close to home, "especially because it is the month of August, because families go away and are on vacation, "she said.

Explosion of consultations

" We must also pay attention to the people in the street, there is as much summer as winter " , she insisted again.

This first episode of heat wave in 2018 has already translated last week by a "significant increase in emergency room visits and consultations SOS doctors for diseases related with heat, "said Tuesday Public Health France, the public body responsible for health monitoring. For example, the share of heat-related emergency room visits among people over 75 has doubled in a few days, according to statistics released by this organization.

They went from 2% to 4% between last Tuesday and Friday , in the regions affected by the heat wave.

Vigilance orange

The peak of consultations was particularly noticeable last Friday and Saturday, in the Rhone and Isere.

[ #VIGILANCEORANGE ] #Jura and #Doubs are kept in orange vigor for a risk of #neige and #verglas Vgvu9WRQY1

– COZ EST (@COZ_EST) January 30, 2015

Temperatures in the South-East were to be understood Tuesday between 36 and 39 degrees, according to Météo France, stating that the following days, the rise temperatures in the southeast quarter of the country are expected to continue. Orange vigilance, which concerns Tuesday nine departments ranging from the Rhone Valley to the shores of the Mediterranean, will therefore "probably still spread."

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