Regular cleaning would be more harmful to the lungs than tobacco –


A Norwegian study pointed to the use of certain household products and their consequences on our lungs.

Long-term hazards

Smoking is less of a danger to the lungs than the use of some household products. A Norwegian study published in the journal American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine in February provides evidence. According to this report, the household products we use on a daily basis are more dangerous to our lungs than cigarettes over the long term.

The equivalent of 20 cigarettes a day

this study, a regular use of maintenance spray would be the equivalent of 20 cigarettes a day, a package. This figure is the result of a period of 10 to 20 years. These products, which would especially affect women, could accelerate the decline of respiratory function . Thus, the "forced expiratory volume per second would decrease by 3.9ml per year for housekeepers and 3.6ml per year for women doing housework" reports 20 Minutes in its columns

Most household sprays cause irritation caused by decline in lung capacity . However, no effect has been proven in men.

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