resuming excavations at an ex-wife of Fourniret


Excavations resumed on Monday with an ex-wife of the serial killer Michel Fourniret in Clairefontaine (Yvelines), in the Estelle Mouzin case, disappeared at the age of nine in 2003 in Seine-et-Marne, said Tuesday AFP a source close to the survey.

"A search campaign has resumed in this case," said the prosecutor de Meaux, Dominique Laurens stating that military specialized in operational searches were involved in research. The home of this relative of Fourniret had already been searched in September, without result.

In September, "we could not check everything". In September, "we could not verify everything and we did not have this specialized unit at our side, which allows us to do more research," added the prosecutor.

Sentenced to life in 2008 for seven murders of young women and adolescent girls, Michel Fourniret, 76, admitted in February that he had killed two other young women who disappeared in the 1990s in the Yonne, Joanna Parrish and Marie-Angèle Domece.

"Confessions hollow".During this confession, the serial killer delivered a "hollow confession" about his involvement in the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin, had estimated the lawyer of the father of Estelle Mouzin, asking that the track is again explored. Since the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin, at the age of nine, when she returned from school in January 2003 in Guermantes, the Fourniret trail has been several times explored, without success.

At the beginning of 2007, the police had once put "the ogre of the Ardennes" out of cause in this case. Six years later, the expertise of thousands of hairs and hair taken from her car had also failed to find traces of Estelle. Michel Fourniret's lawyer had then recalled that his client denied any connection with the case. On 16 November, the serial killer was sentenced to life imprisonment for the second time, for the murder of the wife of ex-cellmate Farida Hammiche, in order to rob him of the "gang of hairpieces". .

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