Retirement homes: how seniors pay


Every month the bill falls. For a stay in a retirement home, the median sum paid by seniors is 1,850 euros, according to the Drees (Directorate of Studies of Social Ministries). The bill is heavier in private profit-making: 2,420 euros. And less in the public or private non-profit: 1,800 euros.

In France, the average retirement pension is 1,500 euros. In these conditions, how do the residents to pay this "rest load", sums that must be taken after deducting the various allowances?

About one in ten seniors (11%) mobilized the help of those around them to pay for their place in a retirement home.

Only 27% say they had to tap into their savings to finance their stay, according to a study of the Drees, published Tuesday. The majority of seniors (54%) finance their stay with their monthly income, without the need for other complementary solutions (54%). About one in ten seniors (11%) mobilized the help of those around them to pay for their place in a retirement home. And 5% pay their place by selling their wealth.

If the majority of seniors say they have sufficient income, it is that the higher categories are overrepresented in institutions, says Jean-Marc Aubert, director of the Drees. These families, for the most part, have the means to place a family member in a retirement home, which qualifies the results of the study.

Concern for the future

When asked about the future, retirement home residents see things differently. The share of those who plan to tap into their savings to pay bills increases. The proportion of people considering an alternative method to current income to stay in an institution (use of savings, sale of wealth, etc.) increases from 46 to 64%.

Some 728,000 older people live in institutions

In France, some 728,000 older people live in institutions. The average age of entry into the Ehpad is 85 years and two months in 2015. It is often the last place of life of people. According to the Drees, residents die at age 89 on average, after an average stay of 3 years and four months.

By Élodie BÉCU |
                                                Posted on 27/11/2018 at 08:30
                                                                |Update about 1 hour ago

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