Rio Ferdinand does not understand José Mourinho


This season, Manchester United is showing irregularity. This Saturday, the Mancunians were held at home against Crystal Palace (0-0), stagnating at a modest seventh place in the standings. The first blamed is none other than the Red Devils coach, José Mourinho, who garners countless critics.

While the Special One blamed some of his young flock for their mentality, former United defender Rio Ferdinand did not hesitate to tackle it. " When you have comments where he hammers out four or five young club players, saying that their mentality is not good, what are you looking for? Do you expect to have players on your side? I do not think it's good for a coach to do that. I do not think you'll get productivity with that kind of feedback. What he said could be true, he sees these boys every day, but you do not get positivity by doing this publicly, and the fans do not like that either "He said at the microphone of BT Sport.

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