Saint-Benoît: a day to detect hepatitis


The city of Saint-Benoît organizes this Thursday a day to detect hepatitis. It is on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day that professionals from the Sexual Health Center mobilize to raise awareness about the detection and prevention of contraction of diseases.

On the occasion of World Day against Hepatitis this Thursday, July 26, the city of Saint-Benoît organizes a screening.

Screening hepatitis

Several teams from Center for Sexual Health North- East of CHU set up this screening operation for hepatitis. The operation also concerns the detection of Sexually Transmitted Infections (IST) and HIV / AIDS .

The Health Bus is therefore installed on the Place of the town hall and is opened from 9 hours to 15h30 this Thursday, July 26.

It is possible to find the badociation Rive which tries as much as possible to communicate on the transmission modes of hepatitis. But also on the means of transmissions and treatments available.

condoms will also be distributed to visitors to increase prevention.

A World Day Against Hepatitis

" ] Taking action against hepatitis: tracking, treating "is the theme of the J World Day Against Hepatitis 2018 chosen by World Health Organization (WHO

The Organization explains that viral hepatitis B and C are serious health problems that affect more than 300 million people worldwide.

Screening ] is very important especially that these hepatitis are " chronic infections that can remain asymptomatic for long periods – sometimes years, even decades. "

The Screening and the mainten These late hepatitis causes about 60% of liver cancer cases, which causes 1.34 million deaths each year according to WHO .

Treatment and above all rapid screening some hepatitis can save lives.

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