More than 300,000 French people consume nicotine substitutes each month. Patches, gums, tablets, inhaler … Since last September, product sales
to stop smoking exploded in France,
reveals Franceinfo, this Thursday.
But why such an increase? If the sales of nicotine substitutes exploded, it is partly because Social Security reimburses these products. Until last May, smokers who wanted to stop could benefit from 150 euros of reimbursement a year of nicotine substitutes.
" It's a record "
Since May 2018, there is no more ceiling and smokers no longer have to advance pharmacy fees. As a direct result, nicotine replacement orders have increased by 66% over 2017. "This is a record, we have never had such a high number of people receiving stop-smoking treatment" says Aurélie Lermennier-Jeannet of the Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction.
If nearly 40% of patches or chewing gums are currently reimbursed by Social Security, as of January 1, 100% of these products will be reimbursed. The increase in the price of tobacco, and in particular
the pbadage of the package to 10 euros by 2020, also takes into account. Encouraging results as Operation "Month Without Tobacco" ends in a few days. The government hopes to reach, within 15 years, the first generation of non-smoking adults.
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