Scabies detected at François-Couperin High School


<p clbad = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The management informed the parents of scabies last week. No number has been communicated."data-reactid =" 22 ">The management informed the parents of scabies last week. No number has been communicated.

Cases of scabies have been reported at the François-Couperin high school in Fontainebleau. The management informed the parents last week. In her email, she writes that "the school health service notices an upsurge" of this skin infection caused by a mite, which requires treatment.

The tone is soothing: "It is a benign communicable disease characterized by itching, the intensity of which increases in the evening." The management also rebadured parents' badociations who interviewed her.

She invites parents to see the child's doctor if they scratch unusually. "If the suspicion of scabies is confirmed by the doctor, it is asked to prevent high school and to respect the school eviction, to avoid contamination within the school," adds the email.

On the student side, we are skeptical. "They wrote to the parents but they did not tell us anything directly," says a high school student. "We were just told to avoid touching each other and kissing each other," says another.

The precise number of students involved is unknown. The rectorate of Créteil did not respond to our requests.

Cases occur episodically in schools. Five had been found last year at a school in Pomponne. Isolation of affected students and disinfection of laundry and floor mats are usually the recommended measures.

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