Sexual abuse: five other women accuse Luc Besson


Sexual abuse: five other women accuse Luc Besson


Mediapart publishes five testimonials of women claiming to have been the victim of inappropriate badual behavior by filmmaker Luc Besson. "If these women denounce facts of a different gravity, their stories overlap on several points. Most describe, at least, the misplaced, similar and repetitive behaviors of Luc Besson towards very young women working, or likely to work with him ", summarizes Mediapart. Among these women is a former badistant of Besson, who tells how what had to be a simple appointment turned into a night at the hotel during which she was paralyzed. She said she had three unconscious relationships.

In May, Luc Besson was accused of rape by an actress.

. @Mediapart reveals in particular the testimony of a former badistant of Luc #Besson, who claims to have suffered 3 non-consensual bad. In support of her story, she provided her diary and this word written by Luc Besson:

To read on Mediapart

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