Sicknesses: a quarter of employees work despite his condition


A quarter of private employees (23%) did not respect the sick leave that a doctor prescribed during the year.

This is revealed by a study of insurer Malakoff Médéric revealed by France Inter, which estimates this proportion up by four points in one year.

In detail, they are 15% not to have stopped at all (up three points) and 8% to return to work while their sick leave is not over.

The bosses respect the least their judgments

It is the business leaders who least respect their sick leave (48%).

Then come employees of the hotel and restaurant industry, concerned that the weight of their absence is borne by their colleagues (30%), says Le Parisien.

Some 24% of teleworkers, 22% of executives and 19% of shopkeepers also work despite the disease.

In the end, this return to work was not a good decision for half of employees: they believe they have been less productive because of their condition, have taken longer to heal or have experienced a relapse of their disease.

The study also tells us that 34% of employees had a sick leave of at least one day during the year.

Seniors stop longer

Some 86% of sick leave was less than 30 days, and 40% less than three days. Most of them were in their thirties, who were more inclined to stop for short periods of time, in particular because they had young children.

If older employees (over 50) experience fewer sick leave, these last longer.

Seniors represent almost half (42%) of the stops of more than one month (34% in 2012).

The average length of long stops (over 30 days) increased by 10% between 2012 and 2016.

Sources: – Ifop perception survey for Malakoff Médéric conducted among 2010 private sector employees – Internet Reports – May 2018
– Barometer Health and quality of life at work 2018, Malakoff Médéric / Sociovision-IFOP conducted with 3,500 employees in the private sector
– Statistical badysis of the DADS (annual declaration of social data) of Malakoff Médéric's client companies (61,000 companies and 2 million employees) from 2012 to 2016

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