Smartphone: bad waves for the memory of young people


The Swiss Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) has just published the results of a survey on the influence of smartphones on the memory of young people. Electromagnetic waves would be bad for cognition.

Seven hundred young people between the ages of 12 and 17 were followed for one year by the Swiss Public Health Institute. The study, called HERMES, revealed that cell phone waves affected memory under certain conditions.

What areas of the brain were affected?

use of mobile phone on the right ear has adverse repercussions on the memory figurale of young people. This memory is located in the right hemisphere . The young people performed memory tests on computers. They were less competent at badembling abstract figures. The verbal memory, it, was not affected .

On the other hand, the sending of messages, the fact of playing, of surfing the Internet has no problem. impact on memory

What precautions should I take?

The telephone calls representing 80% of the radiation received by the brains of young people, it is strongly recommended that use either the headphones or the speaker and avoid the use of the mobile phone when the reception is of poor quality.

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