Sonia Krimi (LREM) reframed and "encouraged to leave the group" by its president Gilles Le Gendre


Sonia Krimi (LREM) reframed and "encouraged to leave the group" by its president Gilles Le Gendre

At Pol.

The break has never been so close between Sonia Krimi and the LREM group. The Manche MP, in positions often divergent of the majority, was received by the president of the group Gilles Le Gendre, during one hour Monday afternoon. Reproach: wearing a yellow vest while receiving a delegation of demonstrators on November 23 and claiming to be "on their side". Interview tone: "He reproached me for having" fraternized "with the" yellow vests "and said to me:" Think about your place in the group, there is a lot of hostility vis-à-vis you ", Sonia Krimi says. Who adds: "It makes me leave the group because he can not do it himself right now, so as not to risk ruining the image of En Marche."

Determined not to move the first, the elected does not exclude a strong reaction in case of sanctions against him (what some claimed in a group meeting Tuesday), evoking even "A public call to Emmanuel Macron". On the side of the LREM group, we do not "No more comments at this point". Everything is in the "at this stage".

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