Soon condoms reimbursed by Social Security


CONTRACEPTION – Health Minister Agnès Buzyn announced Tuesday on France Inter that condoms may soon be prescribed by doctors and reimbursed by Social Security.

– The drafting of LCI

New in the fight against AIDS and other STDs. Health Minister Agnès Buzyn announced Tuesday that condoms could now be reimbursed on medical prescription.

This reimbursement will concern a particular brand of condoms that may be prescribed by doctors, she added on France Inter, without naming the brand in question.

"There is a medical device called the condom, which has been asked to be evaluated by the High Health Authority, which has issued a favorable opinion for the reimbursement of a brand of condoms at a very low cost." explained Ms. Buzyn.

According to her, "we can now, when we are young or when we present particular risks, or not elsewhere, when we are a woman or when we are a man, go see his doctor and have condoms refunded on prescription medical. "

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