South | Trail: The 2019 edition of the UT4M is canceled


The UT4M has decided not to organize the 2019 edition. The organization had chosen, for 2019, to postpone its event in July, which had been taking place since its creation in late August.

She was going to telescope with the other biggest event of the Department, the Trail bridges of Monteynard which is played on the territories of Trièves and Matheysine.

This competition between two beautiful events generated tensions and attempts at mediation … which failed. In this troubled context, the organization told Jean-Pierre Barbier, president of the Department, that it renounced the 2019 edition.

She wants to "take advantage of this time to seek with all the actors, the consensus essential to the organization of this event by 2020".

More information in our edition Sud Isère this Thursday, November 29.

By E.Z. |
                                                Posted on 28/11/2018 at 19:13

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