Spokesmen received at Matignon Friday, Emmanuel Macron refuses any "decline"


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7:58 : "For [les] middle clbad and popular, the increase in prices at the pump (which they go to regularly) is the most striking illustration of [la] incurred increase in spending constraints. "

The rural and the less affluent are particularly affected by energy taxes.

7:55 : "There is always someone to talk about the removal of the ISF", says a member LREM who prefers to remain anonymous. "It sticks to our nose like Captain Haddock's plaster", abounds Erwan Balanant, MP MoDem Finistere.

7:53 : The reinstatement of the solidarity tax on fortune does not appear as a claim of "yellow vests". But in their constituency, the MPs of the majority are sent boomerang the image of Emmanuel Macron in "president of the rich", as I explain in this article.

7:51 : "Domestic flights account for just 4% of air traffic, this must be done at European level."

Invited "4 Truths" on France 2, Brune Poirson is questioned about a possible taxation of kerosene.

7:44 : This is true of the use of taxes to maintain and improve public service. But in this precise statement why, as taxes increase in value and quantity, why are there fewer and fewer train lines? Why are public services or public enterprises tending to be privatized or reduced in budgetary terms? Decreases in the number of employees in the administration, the blocking of salaries, the restriction of budgets, etc., to whom do they benefit?

7:27 : Finance new train lines …!? !! What a language of wood! A reminder: where does the SNCF's debt come from? … a failure of the government to finance the new train lines! And then, first of all, before building new train lines, should we start by rehabilitating the existing network and keeping all the lines in circulation? The policies are incorrigible and their rhetoric produces exasperation that feeds populism. Bravo Mr de Rugy to participate?!? Congratulations! ☹️

7:24 : The small train lines close. Nearby services in the countryside, post office, pharmacies and hospitals are closing in the arms taxes are increasing more and more. Examples like this demonstrate your ignorance of the terrain and reality.

7:23 : The argument of François de Rugy on the need to have more taxes to finance new train lines does not convince you in the comments.

7:18 : "In a few months, there will be European elections, France will fight for kerosene taxation."

In The Parisian, François de Rugy answers a question of a "yellow vest" on the taxation of freighters and airplanes.

7:19 : "I understand that everyone wants to pay less taxes but it is thanks to them that we can finance new train lines for example."

François de Rugy met with seven "yellow vests" yesterday. This interview is to be read this morning in The Parisian.

7:02 : Several dailies are still doing some on the movement of "yellow vests" and the mobilization of tomorrow.

6:27 : The oil depot of Lorient (Morbihan) is still completely blocked this morning by "yellow vests" and construction workers, according to France Blue Breizh Izel.

6:25 : More than twenty gendarmes have just arrived in reinforcement in front of the town hall.

6:25 : It's very hot in front of the town hall. The police present in number in front of thirty yellow vests.

7:27 : A hundred of "yellow vests" among which a handful have managed to break into the town hall of Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), demonstrated last night, for more than two hours in front of the building where was held a council of agglomeration chaired by François Bayrou. The atmosphere was tense on the spot, as relayed yesterday a journalist of The Republic of the Pyrenees.

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