stopping a study on viagra after the death of 11 babies


Launched in 2015, a clinical study supervised by Dutch researchers was stopped on Monday following the deaths of 11 babies whose mothers had taken viagra during pregnancy to promote poor growth of the fetus, announced the University Medical Center of Amsterdam

The authors of this study thought that the small blue pill could promote blood flow to the placenta and "stimulate fetal growth" when the latter has developmental problems, says the

The chances of survival of babies born after this type of in utero complications "is low and there is no other treatment", which justified this study, says Amsterdam UMC. At the time of stopping the trials, launched in 2015, 93 women had been prescribed viagra during their pregnancy, another 90 a placebo.

None of the women recruited for this study had any complication due to taking the medicine. In contrast, 19 babies in utero with viagra died, 11 of them probably because of pulmonary hypertension that could be related to the drug.


Six other infants born premature also suffered from lung problems but they survived. In the placebo group, nine children died but none of pulmonary complications, while three babies born with …

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