The government wants the increase in electricity tariffs to be "the most moderate possible"said Thursday the Minister of ecological and solidarity transition, François de Rugy, in full crisis yellow vests."I ask the CRE (Energy Regulatory Commission) to provide all the calculations and then we will make a decision on the basis of the information provided to us ", he told reporters on the sidelines of the conference of the French Union of Electricity (UFE).
"Obviously we will do everything to make this increase as moderate as possible", he added. Regulated Electricity Sales Rates (TRVs) are calculated by adding the costs of energy, electricity and marketing. They are traditionally revalued each year in August, but another tariff movement can also take place at the beginning of the year. CRE sends the government its proposals on tariffs. The government can then oppose it within three months of this proposal.
"It's not something purely automatic, it's not something that is unbadessed of a number of criteria, a number of parameters, and without an overall badessment of the context", argued François de Rugy.
"The last time electricity prices were changed, they were very stable because conditions in the production and market era allowed it, so we'll see what's going on today and for next year", he added. In his speech to the UFE, the minister said he had been called by "yellow vests" not only on the price of motor fuel but also on electricity prices.
It has also once again confirmed the tax trajectory on motor fuels. "We are extremely determined, extremely motivated, even if it is difficult, it is not for pleasure, frankly I would prefer to be the minister who announces the tax cuts", he said. "If we stop the trajectory of the carbon tax … we send the signal to the French that tomorrow we will be able to continue as before"he insisted.
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