Struggle against AIDS. Associations divert an anti-drug slogan of the 80s


A group of badociations fighting against AIDS diverts, in a campaign launched this Friday, July 20, the slogan of a famous drug slogan dating back to the 80s.

"Say no to the war on drugs" Advocates Coalition PLUS, a group of AIDS organizations, in a campaign launched on Friday that diverts a famous US drug slogan of the 1980s.

Title "Just Say No to the War on Drugs in reference to the "Just Say No" ("19459005") "Say No" to the Reagan Administration, this campaign is unveiled before opening Monday in Amsterdam of the International Conference on AIDS

The War on Drugs is "the best ally of the epidemics of HIV (the virus of AIDS, ed) and viral hepatitis" and " led to a real health catastrophe area " believes Coalition PLUS in a statement. "It has the effect (…) of criminalizing drug users, which makes them more precarious, marginalizes them and hampers their access to health and the tools of prevention" continues this coalition which groups 100 badociations fighting against AIDS in 40 countries

Prevention rather than repression

It asks international politicians to privilege "harm reduction programs" (provision of syringes sterile, consumption rooms …) rather than repression. Launched in the early 1980s, the campaign "Just Say No" was part of Ronald Reagan's anti-drug program.

This The campaign, whose slogan was then introduced into popular language and culture, was worn by the wife of US President Nancy Reagan. A drawing of the face of the former First Lady, painted in bright pop art colors, adorn the visuals of the campaign Coalition PLUS, which claims a "foot of nose" .

The Campaign "Just say no" se "claimed educational" but was "very moralizing and stigmatizing" argues the collective, according to which she "had the effect of accentuating an extremely costly, deadly and ineffective war against drugs in the world" .

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