Study based on stool donation suddenly interrupted


Many people mistakenly thought that they could be paid up to 50 euros by "selling" their stool.

"We stopped the donor call, and the study was paused because it was unmanageable"Pr. Harry Sokol, who is leading a research project on fecal transplantation at the Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris, said the facility was looking for stool donors to transplant them to try to treat them. ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease A recruitment campaign for medical students was held by posting in the hospital: it was announced that the donors would be compensated up to 50 euros. Too many people came to St. Antoine, thinking that anyone could give their stool and get paid automatically.

Some came to the hospital with their stools

"Phone number and email [via lesquels les candidats au don pouvaient se faire connaître] were saturated very quickly", lamented Professor Sokol.After the number was cut, people called the hospital standard, some even came directly, and it continues", continued the gastroenterologist.The patients who wanted to benefit from this clinical trial are"catastrophically"he said.

The fecal transplant procedure is complex. It is in fact to administer by natural means to the recipient a faecal preparation consisting of stool samples from the donor suspended in physiological saline. "There is a selection of donors, they are asked for their complete medical history, including family, they are made extremely thorough blood tests, their stool is badyzed to be sure that there is no infectious agent, and it is only at the end of all this that they can give", explains Prof Sokol, hence the compensation of 50 euros per donation.

Not a remuneration but a compensation

"Someone took the picture, then it was broadcast very widely on the Internet and social networks, dramatically, since the message was altered. People understood: "Give your stool, we will give you 50 euros"Professor Sokol said, but this money is not a remuneration, it is only a compensation regulated by the law.given the heaviness of the process", adds the gastroenterologist.This is a very serious, large-scale study with a large waiting list of patients"he insisted.

It will soon resume through a call for donations, badured Harry Sokol. The purpose of this research is to study the intestinal microbiota. The Saint-Antoine Hospital team is trying to find out how bacteria, viruses and fungi in our gut can be used in a therapeutic setting.

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