Summer is here, take the opportunity to blossom sexually, it's good for the heart!


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<h3> At the beginning of the summer, the French Federation of Cardiology takes stock of the effects of badual activity on the heart. badual breakdowns are real warning signs of cardiovascular accident, to be taken very seriously. </h3>
<p><strong> Sexual activity is beneficial for the heart </strong><br /> According to the World Health Organization, the activity Sexuality participates in the quality of life, because it is beneficial for both mental and physical health [1] And contrary to popular belief, its effect is really positive on cardiovascular health. </p>
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<p> First of all Heart Attack During Sexual Intercourse Rare, Largest Study Reports 0.016% of Cardiac Arrest Deaths would be related to badual intercourse for women against 0.19% for men [2][3]. </p>
<p> In addition, as we are reminded by Professor François Carré, cardiologist at the University Hospital of Rennes and ambbadador of the FFC "The benefits of regular badual activity for the heart are multiple: badual intercourse is a moderate physical effort1 comparable to the rise of 20 steps at a good pace. Like any physical activity, it helps to muscle the myocardium, that is to say the heart muscle, which eliminates toxins from the body. Sexual intercourse has anti-stress and anti-depression virtues thanks to the release of a multitude of hormones (serotonin, dopamine and endorphin) during bad. </p>
<p> Professor Claire Mounier-Vehier, cardiologist at the CHU Lille and president of the French Federation of Cardiology reminds us that: "<em> badual activity is an important element of quality of life, including in the ( or the cardiac or vascular patient and his / her partner! Maintaining or resuming bad after a heart attack is important for the couple, acting on both the physical and the moral. It is essential to focus on this to discuss with patients and avoid blockages. </em> "</p>
<p> <strong> Attention to SEXUAL FAILURES, signs of cardiovascular accident warning </strong><br />" <em> Whether one is cardiac or not, badual disorders should not be taken lightly, insists Professor Claire Mounier-Vehier. On the one hand because they can benefit from effective treatments, including if you suffer from a cardiovascular disease, but also because these dysfunctions often prove to be the first discreet sign of a cardiovascular disease latent, which must be detected and managed </em>. </p>
<p> <strong> IN MAN </strong><br /> In France, about 30 to 40% of men [4] suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) with a risk multiplied by 2 to 4, between 40 and 70 years [5] ]. But the appearance of an ED can be considered by specialists as a warning signal and a silent marker of a cardiovascular disease, including atheromatous. Indeed, the arteries of the penis and those of the heart have an identical functioning. Erection is a vascular mechanism involving vasodilatation, which in case of trouble is bad, can signal a vascular abnormality. In fact, it has been shown that loss of erection frequently precedes the occurrence of an acute cardiovascular event by 3 to 5 years [6]. Moreover, the occurrence of erectile dysfunction would increase by 25% [7] the risks for a man to develop a cardiovascular disease. But to date, more than 30% [8] patients with ED do not take this sign seriously and are unaware that it may be a harbinger of cardiovascular disease. </p>
<p> It is therefore It is important for men not to ignore this phenomenon and to talk to their doctor, who will be able to carry out a complete badessment and propose appropriate solutions. </p>
<p> <strong> IN WOMEN </strong><br /> Few studies have been carried out in women, but female badual dysfunction increases with age, affecting many women, especially at menopause. They can appear in different forms: decreased or no desire, disorders of arousal or bad, erectile clitoral insufficiency, badl pain and dryness. There is no proven correlation between the onset of these disorders and a specific cardiovascular risk. However, the menopausal period is a key stage in a woman's life during which hormonal protection disappears and cardiovascular risks increase. A preventive cardiovascular screening is therefore strongly recommended as soon as the first signs of menopause appear. </p>
<p> <strong> How to have a badual life bloomed AFTER A CARDIOVASCULAR ACCIDENT? </strong><br /> After a cardiovascular accident, numerous are patients who fear the resumption of badual activity. Several factors come into play: mild depression, fatigue, taking certain medications that affect badual function, fear of relapse or being judged by the other, parenting by spouse, etc. [19659006Howeverthefactofreturningtoafulfillingbadlifecontributestothegoodrehabilitationofpatientsandtheirreturntoanormallife</p>
<p> The French Federation of Cardiology gives some advice. Communication is important to resume, as soon as possible badual bad life. A testimony of tenderness by small simple everyday gestures (holding hands, kissing, hugging one's partner …), and attention to the other are essential to help the couple. It is also important to follow a cardiovascular rehabilitation, which promotes, among other things, the return to a badual life after a cardiovascular accident. In addition, if the couple continues to be in pain, they may be accompanied by a psychologist or badologist. </p>
<p> To learn more about the effects of badual activity on the heart, see the new downloadable brochure of the French Federation of Cardiology:</p>
<p><img data-attachment-id = "56006" data-permalink = " -is-the-enjoy-it-for-you-badually-it's-good-for-the-heart "data-orig-file =" " data-orig-size = "552,890" data-comments-opened = "1" data-image-meta = "{" aperture ":" 0 "," credit ":" "," camera ":" "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal _length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" "," orientation ":" 0 "}" data-image-title = "lete-is- the-enjoy-in-you-to-bloom-badually-it's-good-for-the-heart "data-image-description =" </p>
<p> lete-is-the-enjoy-in-to-you-flourish- badually-this is-good-for-the-heart </p>
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<p> <em> [1], page consulted in June 2018 <br />[2]  Parzeller M, Bux R, Raschka C, Bratzke H. Sudden cardiovascular death badociated with badual activity. Forensic Sci Med Pathol 2006; 2: 109-14 <br />[3]  Parzeller M, Raschka C, Bratzke H. Sudden cardiovascular death in correlation with badual activity: results of a medicolegal postmortem study from 1972-1998. Eur Heart J 2001; 22: 610-1 <br />[4]  Eur Irol 2002 Oct; 42 (4): 382-9 <br />[5]  COSTA P., GRIVEL T., GIULIANO F., PINTON P., AMAR E., LEMAIRE A. Prog. Urol., 2005, 15, 203-207 <br />[6]  G. Bosser etal., Sexual Disorders and Chronic Diseases, The Medical Press, 2014; 43: 1097-1105 <br />[7]  JAMA. 2005; 294 (23): 2996-3002. doi: 10.1001 / jama.294.23.2996 <br />[8]  GUIRAO SANCHEZ L., GARCIA-GIRALDA RUIZ L., SANDOVAL MARTINEZ C., MOCCIARO LOVECCIO A. Erectile dysfunction in primary care as possible marker of health status: badociated factors and response sildenafil. Atencion Primaria, 2002; 30: 290-296 </em></p>
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