Sylvotherapy: Cuddling a tree is not a good idea


The followers of the forest baths, devoted to the silvotherapy, must remain vigilant by embracing a tree.

The "shinrin-yoku" or sylvotherapy makes more and more followers. The practitioners of these "forest baths", a method imported from Japan, enjoined to hug a tree to soak up its benefits on contact. According to Dr. Qing Li, the world expert in forest therapy, is convinced that cuddling a tree would have the effect of reducing stress, lowering blood pressure or strengthening the immune system … If these benefits are yet to be demonstrated, there are other effects, undesirable and difficult to refute, to take into consideration before engaging in this practice. The contact with the tree can expose to different risks that the lovers of the nature and aficionados of the shinrin-yoku do not necessarily suspect. Enlacing a trunk with bare arms and hands can cause irritation and itching symptomatic skin allergies related to the presence of plants, lichens or allergic foams. For example on an oak or a charm, the bark shelters frullania, an irritating foam, precise Sciences and future which is based on a publication of the National Institute of research and security (INRS) of Marie-Noëlle Crépy, dermatologist at the Cochin hospital, specialist in occupational pathology at the Hôtel-Dieu

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Bites of insects and aggressive caterpillars

Other danger of which you must be wary when approaching a tree: its possible hosts. The presence of wasp, hornets, bee is not to be discarded. The risk of sting exists. Not to mention the threat of caterpillars whose exposure to stinging hairs can be dangerous . Of the risks:

-in case of skin contact, painful itchy rash

-in case of contact with the eyes, risk of conjunctivitis

-in case of inhalation (particularly by domestic animals for example), risk of respiratory infection.

So many potential dangers that should make you think twice before cuddling a tree.

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