Taxes, end of the Senate, retreats: the surprising claims of yellow vests – 28/11/2018




François de Rugy received two yellow vests for 3 hours./ Photo AFP

François de Rugy received two yellow vests for 3 hours./ Photo AFP

They wanted to meet the government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux or Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. It was finally the Minister of Ecological Transition François de Rugy who received two representatives of the Yellow Vests Tuesday in the evening at the request of Emmanuel Macron.

The movement, which had chosen eight representatives at the beginning of the week, had two spokespersons for the meeting: Eric Drouet and Priscilla Ludosky. The first, from Seine-et-Marne, is a driver-road thirty years at the origin of the Facebook event "national movement against rising taxes." The second, who also lives in Seine-et-Marne, is a self-entrepreneur and has created an online sales company for organic cosmetics and aromatherapy advice. It is behind a petition launched in May 2018 for lowering fuel prices.

Claims on gasoline taxes

Their meeting with François de Rugy lasted three hours. If the minister was to expect to hear complaints about lower fuel taxes, he must have been somewhat surprised by the demands of the two yellow vests. They went well beyond the price of gasoline and … the field of expertise of François de Rugy. They asked pell-mell the reduction of the carbon tax and the consumption tax on energy products (TICPE), the cancellation of the bill on the fuel with palm oil, the ban of the glyphosate, the abandonment of the French car fleet renewal project.

And other much more amazing requests

But their claims have been much broader. They also want a more frequent consultation of the people by referendum, the promulgation of laws by the citizens, the increase of the pensions, the rebadessment of the PLA, the reduction of the wages within the government, the reduction of the privileges for the elected ones after their mandate and the end of the Senate.

Faced with the press, Minister François de Rugy expressed his astonishment at the end of this meeting.

Yellow vests: for François De Rugy, "their demands go far beyond the issues of ecological transition"

– BFMTV (@BFMTV) November 27, 2018

On their side, the representatives of the Yellow Vests reiterated their wish to meet Edouard Philippe or Benjamin Griveaux. The Prime Minister is said this Wednesday ready to receive a delegation. In addition, the Yellow Vests to mobilize again in Paris on the Champs-Elysees Saturday, December 1.

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