tensions between Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe?


franceinfo, published on Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 10:47 pm

Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe are officially on the same line. But in recent days, the Prime Minister is the focus of criticism. It started with a clumsiness, on the plateau of France 2, Sunday, November 18. While the boss of the CFDT proposes a social pact, Édouard Philippe closed the door in his face. He quickly calls Laurent Berger to apologize. If they agree on the substance, it is the style Édouard Philippe "right in his boots", which begins to worry the Élysée.

Tension with the deputies

"Édouard Philippe is even duller than Juppé," squeaks a heavyweight of the majority. The tension also rises with the deputies, to whom he raises the suspenders, because they are too little present on the ground to defend the

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