Testosterone would explain the inclination of some men for luxury goods


Luxury watches in a New York jewelery shop (illustration). – Richard B. Levine / NEWSCOM / SIPA

Gentlemen, if you have luxury tastes, we now know why. Testosterone does indeed affect consumer preferences.

Male Sex Hormone Increases Men's Penchant for Brands and Products Presumed "Prestigious" According to Study Published Tuesday, July 3 in Nature Communications

The Choice of Hormone Induced Products

Researchers at the Wharton School, a business school in Philadelphia, conducted an experiment with 243 men aged 18 to 55 years. Half of them had previously received a dose of testosterone, the others had a placebo. Participants were then confronted with duets of products of equivalent quality but different brands. They had to choose the ones they preferred.

Results? The researchers found that "men who had received testosterone doses showed a greater preference for products badociated with a higher social rank (like a luxury brand)," according to a statement from the European Institute of Administration

In the manner of an animal

For Gideon Nave, "possessing prestigious products is a strategy for signaling one's rank within human society". The researcher parallels the tail of the peabad or the antlers. "This effect (of testosterone, Ed) is related to the behavior of animals, in which testosterone generally increases during the breeding season and promotes the sending of signals to potential partners or competitors," notes the researcher.

the team, further studies must be conducted before generalizing these initial results. Researchers admit that cultural differences can also change behaviors.

>> See also: When testosterone boosts the badual functions of older men

>> See also: Multiple sclerosis: Promising discovery of a molecule bound to testosterone

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