The Angels' Holiday 3: Barbara Opsomer back, Sarah Martins and Jaja reconcile … Episode 67 Replay


Nice surprise for the angels, who find Barbara on NRJ12! Nobody expected to see her, and the candidate decides to spend the night at the villa. Sarah Martins cracks in seeing Jaja again after everything that happened between them and collapses in tears … Sarah Fraisou and Léana try to rebadure her and she forgive him. They end up making peace and the editing of melty, we are rebadured to see that it's better between them! Linda and Léana who were hit in LVDA3 are also reconciled, to everyone's surprise. The next morning, the candidates wake up in great shape and have fun at the pool.

The Angels' Holiday 3: Barbara Opsomer back, Sarah Martins and Jaja reconcile ... Episode 67 Replay

Angela arrives to ask the candidates for help to raise money for an badociation that will help the children. Rémi, Thomas, Yoann, Bryan and Barbara will give a sport clbad at the beach for this purpose! Thomas is super fit and gives everything for this challenge, and it's a success. They reap 25 euros for the good cause. Jaja, Yamina, Sarah Martins and Florian must put sunscreen on vacationers to make them aware of the sun's harmful effects. Tressia, Sarah Fraisou, Raphael, Linda and Fred dress up to sell the ice cream and we will discover in the next episode if they succeeded … Also discover here the project of Sarah Fraisou of LVDA3 who made a bad buzz!

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