The big anger of Mélenchon who reframes the disappointed of the European list


In the run-up to the European elections, the Insoumis boat is rocking dangerously. In a long statement published on his blog on Thursday, the leader of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon attacked several party executives, removed from the list for the 2019 European elections. He notably blasted the attitude of Djordje Kuzmanovic and François Cocq, both national speakers for the movement, who denounced this Thursday World "a lack of internal democracy" among the Rogue, before targeting three other former party cadres.

For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the two spokespersons of La France Insoumise have "a bloated ego" that "makes them unbearable not to be in the top five or ten on the European list". He adds that the creation of a European list is never easy, no list can be "free of tensions".

"I will publish the SMS in which some of them licked my feet"

"One day, I will publish the innumerable SMS messages in which some of these ardent advocates of 'internal democracy' have licked my feet so that I can favor their placement on the list, because that was the conception of 'democracy' that they hoped to see implementation: the designation by the fact of the prince, "added Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also targeting former heads of France Insubord, parties for similar reasons.

Eliminated from the list by the LFI Election Committee for "publicly reiterating statements that feminist and LGBT struggles are secondary, while integral to the LFI program", Djordje Kuzmanovic slammed the door of the party, denouncing a forum published in Marianne "the extreme concentration of power in the hands of a small group of new apparatchiks and bureaucrats, with softly social-democratic convictions".

Jean-Luc Mélenchon attacks again at World

Francois Cocq was dismissed for criticizing the political line of La France Insoumise: "It's totally incomprehensible, I alerted when there was a temptation to return to the rally of the left." And when Jean-Luc Mélenchon finally operates the clarification that goes in my direction, that's when I'm banned, "he explained to World.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon has also taken on daily life with whom he has already struggled to leave. He evoked "the nauseating nature of the relentlessness of this newspaper which has never published anything other than accusing articles against me in an increasingly dubious mode", an incredible "relentlessness" against the unsworn movement and against me in particular".

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