The bubble of Bitcoin explodes for the 4th time (and that's not the worst)


In recent weeks, many have spoken of the bursting of the "Bitcoin bubble". While the flagship electronic currency has fallen about 80% since its record high reached in December 2017, it does not mean that this is not the worst correction in its history.

In 2013, Bitcoin lost 83% in 2 days

Previous crashes date back to a period prior to 2015, when crypto-currencies began to gain notoriety among the general public. If the most skeptical are eager to announce the death of electronic currencies, enthusiasts seek to calm the situation by sharing on the social networks all kinds of graphics to rebadure themselves.

In the table below repeatedly shared on Twitter, we see the previous crash Bitcoin, with the respective correction percentage for each of them. The worst goes back to the year 2011 when the price of Bitcoin fell by 94% (from $ 31 to $ 2) in the space of 6 months.

Then comes the correction caused by the fall of the MtGox cryptocurrency trading platform in 2013, and finally a flash crash between April 10 and 12, 2013 which resulted in a fall of 83% in just 2 days. The current fall, which corresponds to about 80% decrease over a period of 11 months, should therefore be put into perspective.

Bitcoin bubbles

(c) Twiter – Dennis Parker ⚡️ @ Xentagz

On the social network Reddit, a user also shared the curves during the various crashes, and put them side by side. In the end, the correction that Bitcoin is currently undergoing seems less worrying than we might think.

bitcoin crash

(c) Reddit

Bitcoin is far from the internet bubble in 2000

A crypto-enthusiast took the opportunity to put the current crash into perspective with the internet bubble of the 2000s. He took a picture of a newspaper with the performance of technology stocks and compared them with those of cryptocurrencies.

Amazon, which lost 98.7% of its value between 2000 and 2002, has since rebounded well since the stock has risen from $ 5.51 to $ 1,609 currently (+ 32,000%). What to leave a good hope to bitcoin lovers …

Sources: (1) + (2)

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