the CEO of Renault "must remain the president of Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi"


For Bruno Le Maire it's clear. Renault's managing director "must remain the president of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance. The Economy Minister spoke on Tuesday (November 27th), a week after the arrest in Japan of Carlos Ghosn, who has been deposed as president of Nissan and Mitsubishi for alleged financial malfeasance.

"In the governance, it is expected that the CEO of Renault is the president of the alliance. This rule must not change. The General Manager of Renault, currently Thierry Bolloré, acting executive director since the arrest of Carlos Ghosn, must remain the president of the alliance, "hammered Bruno Mayor.

The Franco-Libano-Brazilian, who remained formally CEO of Renault, was questioned by the courts and did not use his right to remain silent. He said he had never intended to conceal revenue, according to the Japanese media NHK. He was arrested Monday, November 19, at the same time as his right arm, the American Greg Kelly, and has since been in custody.

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