Published on
03.11.2018 at 14:18
The epidemic of cholera that has been raging for several months in Cameroon has already caused the deaths of 45 people out of the 634 suspected cases, according to the latest statement released Saturday by the Ministry of Public Health during an evaluation meeting. During the evaluation meeting of the strategy put in place to counteract the disease, it appears that the first cases were discovered in May 2018 and that the regions of the Center and the Littoral that were at the time affected are no longer affected. .
The epicenter of the disease remains the regions of the Far North and North with 44 new cases detected this week, hence the need to "redouble the work so that the epidemic is at first contained in this part of the country, before being eradicated, "advocated the Minister of Public Health André Mama Fouda.
According to the health authorities, the proximity between the northern part of the country where the disease is rife with Nigeria is not likely to favor the constituency of the epidemic, since more than 27,000 patients were registered in this neighboring country.
Hence the urgency "to intensify the response by mobilizing all links in the chain so that new proposals, able to reverse the trend are made."
According to the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Emmanuel Douba Epéé "in the Northern Region, there is a clear improvement because the number of deaths has decreased but we find that it has new cases. We need to go one step above, to flush out, "he said.
In any case, "do not neglect any solution to stop the chain of transmission," insisted the Minister of Public Health who announced that 950 community health workers were trained, including 750 in the North and the Far North to detect cases.
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