The column of Laurent Gerra of Wednesday, November 28


This Wednesday, November 28, Laurent Gerra began by imitating François Bayrou. The mayor of Pau wishes to react after the intervention of President Emmanuel Macron, Tuesday, November 27: "Hello 'yellow vests', hello 'brown ponchos', hello 'blue shirts', it is an enthusiastic turtleneck sweater who speaks to you, "he begins by declaring. According to him, the president has followed his advice perfectly: "It was neither too hard, nor too soft, nor too rigid, nor too soft, not too open, not too closed, and always in the center of the screen".

It is then Jean-Marie le Pen that imitated the humorist. The former president of the National Front will face the judgment of the Criminal Court of Paris on his controversial remarks about homobaduals. "Ah, they start us
to break, tap …, tarl …, invertis. All because I said at
Figaro, that the homobaduals,
it's a bit like salt in the soup
: if there is not enough it's a little
bland and if there is too much it is undrinkable ".

Finally, Laurent Gerra has imitated Eddy Mitchell and his columnists Bertrand Tavernier and Roman Polanski, in a new issue of "We redo the film". The latter explains to have gone to see "The Grinch", which leaves this Wednesday. A film that the director does not consider for young people: "Not at all really, There was not
than 13 years old and over,
and some accompanied by their mothers,
a horror really! "

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