the decision will be taken "current 2019"


[Articlepubliéle28/11à17h21[Articlepubliéle28/11à17h21[Articlepubliéle28/11à17h21[Articlepubliéle28/11à17h21updated on 11/28 at 11h00]

A possible change in EDF's structure, of which the State is a 83.7% shareholder, has been the subject of speculation for months. When Presentation of the Multiannual Energy Program (EPP) Tuesday, November 27, the Minister of ecological and solidarity transition François de Rugy said he asked the company to make "proposals" on a possible change in its structure. The idea would be to allow EDF to face the challenges in the nuclear sector while ensuring a boom in renewables.

EDF will remain an "integrated group"

But from the outset, the minister rejected any "cutting" of the company: EDF will remain "an integrated group" but its structure must evolve to be more effective to ensure the sustainability of the company.

According to him, "the debate is which badets we put in this or that structure to be effective over time," he said. "There is (…) the possibility of having parent companies (…), subsidiary companies," he said. "These are possibilities we will work on", said François de Rugy, "the current system is not necessarily the one that is most effective in the long term".

He also referred to "the weight of past financial commitments" and the means "to see how to badume them in the long term".

Following these statements, the title EDF yielded 0.7866% to 13.875 euros on the Paris Stock Exchange.

TheÉstate will decide "current 2019" of a possible capital increase

With our colleagues from RMC, the Prime Minister Édouard Philippe confirmed this Wednesday, November 28 that theÉThe State will decide in 2019 on a possible capital increase for the group once the multiannual energy program has been stopped, in relation to the specific stakes and risks of the nuclear activity.

"We just released the major arbitrations [de la PPE] that we will propose to Parliament and debate. If these big choices are stopped, they will have implications for energy producers: they will be able to calibrate their investments, adapt their organization, know when they will close this or that equipment, coal power station and / or nuclear. DWhen the PEP is complete, in the next three months, we will ask EDF to tell us what they deduce about their organization, their trajectory, their needs. And we will have a discussion with EDF to know what we derive from it as consequences (…)

And to add:

"Today, we have 84% of the capital ofEDF and given the very strong nuclear dimension ofEDFit is out of the question that the state is an accessory partner. "

(with AFP and Reuters)

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