the demonstration degenerates in front of the Saint-Nazaire town hall


Atmosphere very tense this Wednesday afternoon in front of the town hall of Saint-Nazaire! The mobilization of yellow vests had started in the calm, around 14h in front of the sub-prefecture. About 200 people were quietly gathered, the building being closed all day. But a little after 3 pm, the demonstrators wanted to go to the town hall. And there, the situation degenerated.

While some protesters were approaching the entrance to the town hall, the CRS launched dozens of tear gas bombs to disperse the crowd. Yellow vests responded with some smoke. Others invaded the rink under construction next door, and tapped on the wooden floor with sticks to express their dissatisfaction.

Yellow vests do not understand the reaction of the police. "It's the misunderstanding, explain the protesters. We had just arrived and they gbaded us". For many, this only accentuates their anger.

We have just arrived, we get gbaded "- a yellow vest

A tear gas cloud in front of the town hall of Saint-Nazaire. - Radio France
A tear gas cloud in front of the town hall of Saint-Nazaire. © Radio France
Anne Patinec

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