the disease is back


She has already made several victims this year in France. Measles is back. 56 cases were identified in Ile-de-France, mainly in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, in the month of October alone, according to Aurélien Rousseau, Director General of the Regional Agency for Health.

More broadly, Europe is experiencing a record outbreak of measles: with 41,000 cases in the first half of 2018 and 37 dead, including 3 in France. Measles is a very contagious disease, it is transmitted by air from one person to another.

"The rate of immunization coverage remains insufficient in France among 15-35 year olds and infants, which explains why the virus continues to circulate in the country ", explains Vaccination Infos Services.It would be necessary that 95% of the population is immunized against the disease to stop the epidemic .

An essential vaccination

The website of the Ministry of Health states that "every child should be vaccinated with 2 doses of measles vaccine between 12 and 18 months." In order to extend protection, anyone born in 1980 must also have received 2 doses of vaccine ".

The measles vaccine is part of the 11 mandatory vaccinations for children since 1 January 2018.

Prescribed by a doctor or midwife

The measles vaccine is 100% refunded by Health Insurance for all children up to 17 years old included. From the age of 18, it is reimbursed at least 65% but the remaining amount is usually reimbursed by the mutuals.

It can be prescribed by a doctor or midwife for women, the entourage of pregnant women and the entourage of the newborn until 8 weeks, explains Vaccination Infos Services

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