The Ebola virus would be able to survive 2 years in the sperm of the man


American researchers have discovered that, thanks to certain proteins, the Ebola virus would be able to survive 2 and a half years in male sperm.

Discovered in 1976 in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Ebola virus is responsible for severe fevers and haemorrhages that are often fatal to humans

Between humans, the virus (which initially causes symptoms that are reminiscent of those of the flu: fever over 38 ° C, muscle weakness, headache …) is spread by direct contact with the blood and body fluids of infected people, but also through indirect contact with their environment.

By 2018, the Ebola virus is far from gone. Thus, in the space of 2 weeks at the end of May 2018, 52 cases were recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo – 22 people died.

The virus can survive more than 2 years in sperm thanks to certain proteins

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania (in the United States) have just made a disturbing discovery: the Ebola virus would be able to survive in human sperm during … 2 and a half years [19659003] The key to the problem? It is the amyloid proteins contained in sperm that "help" the virus to infect other cells – these proteins also play a role in HIV transmission.

"If we can change the structure of amyloid proteins in order to 'prevent the proliferation of the virus, we may be able to better control the epidemics currently occurring in West Africa,' say US researchers. They are also checking whether the badl flora also allows the survival of the Ebola virus.

This work was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Read also:

Ebola: thousands of vaccines sent to the DRC

Ebola: 78% of survivors suffer from sequelae

Ebola: a vaccine is promising

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