the government details the main lines of the Multiannual Energy Program


You can find all announcements regarding the government's energy plan on our summary:

The press conference of François de Rugy has just ended.

François de Rugy discusses Emmanuel Macron's announcement concerning an adaptation of fuel taxation to price fluctuations: "There is no question of returning to the floating TIPP, it was an unkept and untenable promise, quickly abandoned. If there were a new and sudden rise in the price of oil, we would look at adjusting things. " But the minister of ecology says he does not want "go into details, it's not very public."

Closure decisions after 2028 should concern some of the oldest reactors, particularly on the sites of Bugey (Ain), Tricastin (Drôme), Cruas (Ardèche), Gravelines (North) and Dampierre (Loiret), Blayais (Gironde), Chinon and Saint-Laurent. The Government adds, however, that no plant will be completely closed to limit the social and economic consequences for the territories.

This scenario is relatively in line with that put forward by EDF, who defended the idea of ​​landing in 2035 with a dozen closures. But the group hoped that these decisions focus on the period 2028-2035.

François de Rugy now evokes the future of French nuclear power plants. "We badume to have a progressive and a certain predictability in the closing of the nuclear reactors", says the minister of ecology, which repeats the objective announced by Emmanuel Macron of close 4-6 plants during PEP, and 14 by 2035 to reach 50% of the electricity production against 75% today. As a reminder, 14 reactors, this represents 20% of the current fleet.

Concerning the Fessenheim power station, "The two reactors will be closed, probably in 2020"said M. de Rugy. "We are now able to support this change while ensuring security of supply."

François de Rugy announces that the government intends to carry out a comprehensive plan on the subject of oil boilers, with a plan of disappearance in ten years. In addition to enhanced tax credit for 2019, a premium to conversion oil-fired boilers (3,000 euros for modest households, 2,000 euros for others) will help to reach thegoal of the million boilers converted in 2023.

But the measure focuses on homeowners, not collective dwellings. And the owners engage in work as expensive as when their boiler has reached the end of their life, points out the environmental badociation CLER.

The minister of ecology announces that the budget devoted to renewable electric energy should increase from 5.5 billion euros this year to 8 billion euros.

François de Rugy speaks about the transformation of our car fleet: "We set ourselves to have more than 4.8 million electric vehicles in circulation in France in 2028. "

This goal is, to say the least, ambitious. With 25,000 sales in 2017, electric cars represent just over 1% of the French car fleet. The government wants to increase sales by five by 2022 and deploy 100,000 terminals by 2023. It counts on the conversion bonus with a bonus of 6,000 euros for the purchase of an electric model to encourage the French to barter their old polluting vehicles against cars with low emissions. He believes that the premium will ultimately benefit one million households.

However, for the time being, the premium was mainly used to buy newer thermal vehicles and only 7% of electric models.

Our journalist Aline Leclerc gathered reactions from members of the "yellow vests" movement.

Valérie, 50 years old, badistant of life in Senlis (Oise) who demonstrated Saturday in Paris with her son and her husband estimates that "anger is rising" : "There is a new meeting in Paris on Saturday and Macron does not make any announcement about the purchasing power and the difficulties of the French, it is incomprehensible! A total disregard!" The government's openness to dialogue leaves it, moreover, skeptical: "yellow vests are going to meet Rugy this afternoon, we'll see what it is, but I'm pessimistic."

Isabelle, 42, a caregiver in the Val-d'Oise who came to protest Saturday after a night's work judge that Mr. Macron did not understand the demands of the movement:

"He is completely disconnected from reality, he does not seem to be aware of what is happening in France, it's never-seen.The people who are in the street there They are people who get up every morning to go to work who are not slackers or badistants, who pay their taxes and who, in spite of that, can no longer live, does not propose any immediate measure to give back buying power to these people I, like many others, have never demonstrated If today we do that, it's not for pleasure it's a call for help , a call to be understood, taken into account! "

Both say they are more than ever motivated to return to demonstrate Saturday.

François de Rugy presents the main lines of the Multiannual Energy Program (EPP). This roadmap, which is the goal of the 2015 Energy Transition Law, has two objectives. First, face the challenge of climate change drastically limiting greenhouse gas emissions, which have gone up since 2015. Then, to diversify the electric mix, reducing France's dependence on nuclear energy.

In his speech, Emmanuel Macron spoke of "yellow vests" as those "to whom we speak of end of the world when they speak end of the month". A quote from Nicolas Hulot, that had taken many "yellow vests", as they told us in one of our reports on the social movement, and you can find at this address:

Hello Val,

The goal of Emmanuel Macron does not seem to have been to answer each of the claims brought within the movement of "yellow vests". Without going into the details of the measures, however, he has strongly opposed the imposition of "standards from above", a method deemed ineffective, to a logic of "co-construction", to which "powers" will have to be "converted" especially at local level and in partnership with representatives of civil society, of "adapted and pragmatic solutions", supposed to be more democratic in its functioning.

Hello Cromorne,

The mission of this new body is officially advise the government on ecological transition, but also of monitor and evaluate the actions taken by the executive. The question of its redundancy does indeed arise with other pre-existing bodies, such as the current National Council for Ecological Transition (CNTE). In this regard, Mr Macron's entourage states: "The idea is to make the CNTE a democratic forum, where we will test the measures envisaged with citizens and intermediary bodies. But it will be up to the High Council to guide the government in its choices and then to control them. "

In a report published in March, the Court of Auditors was already the lack of legibility and coherence of the many structures existing governance in energy and climate policies (such as the CNTE, the Higher Energy Council, the Economic and Social Council, etc.). She thought, however, that"None is really able to inform the government on all issues related to the future of energy policy". The Court then recommended "Create, like the Pension Advisory Council and replace other existing bodies, a committee to inform the government's choices regarding the future of energy policy".

The High Council for the climate, which will deal largely with the energy transition, is inspired by an English example: the climate change committee, which has become the keystone of UK climate governance for the last ten years. It monitors the compatibility of public policies with the country's climate commitments, while referring to Parliament progress made in reducing emissions. Its recommendations are regularly followed by the government, which must provide an answer. It remains to be seen whether the thirteen French experts will enjoy the same influence.

Find most of Emmanuel Macron's announcements in our summary:

The reactions to Emmanuel Macron's speech are obviously numerous. For Jean-François Julliard, CEO of Greenpeace France, the president "We have announced to change the method, so we must change the background."

France persists in presenting nuclear energy as an alternative to fossil fuels when it is neither clean nor inexpensive, and in no way guarantees our energy independence. We expected structuring and historical measures to fight against climate change, the answer is not up to the urgency.

Hello skeptical, you're right to be. The whole difficulty of energy policy is that we must be able to draw a long-term vision, which is not always equivalent to political time. Even in the case of Emmanuel Macron's second term in 2022, it is not his government that would have to manage the plant closures. That said, it can be held accountable trajectories drawn today, especially on renewable energy.

Hi JP, you're absolutely right, the issue of electricity consumption is central. According to the electricity network manager RTE, it will decrease slightly until 2030, thanks in particular to energy efficiency gains. If consumption increased, production needs would be greater.

Hello Clement,

This demand from the nuclear industry is not incompatible with what Emmanuel Macron has announced. In essence, no reactor construction is engaged, but the launch of a series of EPRs after 2023 – for a gradual arrival on the network between 2025 and 2030 – is not excluded.


Among the first political reactions, Marine le Pen criticized in a series of tweets, the "confusion of the presidential speech" and ironized on the three-month period mentioned by Emmanuel Macron, calling for a "political transition" as opposed to the ecological transition evoked by the head of state. The president of the insubordinate La France group and MP Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced, for his part, on his Twitter account "an hour of presidential noise" without providing an answer to what he described as "situation of citizen insurrection"

Hello Martin,

Originally the reactors were designed for a theoretical duration of forty years. However, every ten years the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) conducts extensive visits to eventually extend their life. They can only be extended with his approval. That said, the ASN will probably give constraints to extend the plants – and it will be up to EDF to initiate or not the work of compliance.

On your second question: an EPR is currently under construction in France since 2007, but it should not be on the network before 2020.

Hi, besides those on reactor closures, has the president made announcements about EPR projects?

Thank you !

Hello Emile,

The president made no commitment to build a new EPR reactor. He announced asking EDF to present in mid-2021 a roadmap for the construction of new reactors. In other words: he does not reject this option, but not during this five-year period.

According to our information, Emmanuel Macron asked the Minister of Ecology, François de Rugy, to receive members of "yellow vests" this Tuesday afternoon at the Elysee.

Our journalist specializing in energy issues, Nabil Wakim, will answer your questions after Emmanuel Macron's speech. Do not hesitate to intervene in the comment area of ​​this live.

Hello Lorraine,

It depends on the taxes charged by the countries concerned. You can find here the badysis of Decoders on the differences in fuel prices in Europe. The price of gasoline varies greatly from country to country. And it is quite true that France is in the leading pack of countries where fuels are the most expensive. The price of gasoline is thus the sixth highest of the twenty-eight countries studied. One can also qualify the table by relating this cost to the income of motorists. On this basis, the European comparison turns rather to the advantage of French drivers. html?

Emmanuel Macron has just finished his speech.

Emmanuel Macron says he will carry out reforms "having two principles in mind: the first, every citizen is necessary, no change despising a single citizen, the second is that our action is greater than some of us."

The solution according to Emmanuel Macron: "OYou have to explain to people what's in front of their taxes. " Because "If no one does, everyone will believe that it is normal for the school to be free or for the community to pay when we reach the end of life."

On the other hand, Emmanuel Macron recalls that he will not have "no weakness towards those who seek violence. the answer will be public order and nothing but public order. This is what we owe to traders, economic actors, citizens jostled in their daily lives. "

Emmanuel Macron seems to have understood that a large part of the population expects immediate answers from him, and his speech is much more focused on immediate urgency than on medium-term prospects. It's a big change of approach:

"I want them to find solutions to renovate their homes at an affordable cost or change their boiler because we will have brought our solutions.What this crisis says a little bit is that our answers are too abstract, too far On the ground, too uniform, people say 'suffering', they say 'energy check', but they do not know what it is Concretely, neither do I. We have to make things tangible, simple enough, rather concrete. Otherwise people do not use it. "

Emmanuel Macron calls for a "national consultation" for the next three months, bringing together all political leaders, badociations, trade unions, employers, actors of the transition, etc. "The solutions will not be everywhere the same, in the countryside and in the metropolis "said the president.

I hope that everywhere, this consultation can be declined and that everywhere the debate is held.All badociations must be able to participate, including representatives of "yellow vests". We can not be in reciprocal denunciation.

But the president's position remains very clear: "Reducing the share of nuclear energy does not mean giving up nuclear power."

Nuclear power allows us to benefit from decarbonized and low-cost energy. We will initiate a new regulation of the existing nuclear fleet. I was not elected on a nuclear exit program but on reducing the share of nuclear power. I will keep this commitment; I wish I could do it from 2025 [loi transition énergétique] but it turned out that this figure was not attainable. We will maintain this course by pushing the deadline to 2035 and make transparency on the trajectory we will follow.

Emmanuel Macron announces the closure of 4 to 6 nuclear reactors by 2030.

Regarding the issue of offshore wind, Emmanuel Macron reminds that "first park is planned off Saint-Nazaire"and that four calls for tenders will be launched shortly.

Emmanuel Macron announces the closure of "all coal plants on our territories by 2022. "

The head of state now evokes energy expenditure of the industrial sector, "Fossil energy consumer especially to produce cement, steel, glbad and plastic that allow us to build, produce the consumer goods and the foods we eat."

The challenge is to invent here the factory of the future. In our regions, many projects are at the forefront of the carbon-free industry. We are preparing to scale up to generalize these innovations. Again, these are investments, training and the mobilization of industrial sectors.

Second axis of work, according to Emmanuel Macron: our energy use for "warm up".

We know how to build low consumption and positive energy buildings. It should be encouraged but the building fleet is renewed at only 1% per year. We must work to better isolate existing buildings. Means are on the table: 9 billion euros under the investment plan. But the results are too shy, we must accelerate not by setting limits or prohibitions but concrete solutions with industry professionals to go faster on insulation and renewal of equipment to meet this challenge.

The change of tone is clear on the side of the Elysee, which plays the card of the understanding towards the anger of the "yellow vests", by speaking of them as "victims" of a social situation that they undergo:

"I saw the difficulties for those who drive a lot and find it hard to make ends meet, they say it's always the same people who make efforts and they're right. you do not have the means to settle in big cities, it does not matter, you only have to settle in peripheral cities, buy cars to get to your place of work, they were told to buy diesel. They were led in this situation, collectively, mechanically. They are not the authors of this situation but are the first victims. "

Emmanuel Macron now claims that for "to live up to this immense collective responsibility", first, we have to "do not change your mind, baduming your positions and actions", but also "do not change the truth":

"That's why I wanted to set up this High Council for Climate Action, which should help restore facts and scientific truth."

Emmanuel Macron says that "to respond to climate change, it is clear that we have done too little." Before qualifying:

"I do not speak of citizens, too little has been done by the leaders we are, those who are able to commit more than themselves, those who, if they do not change enough, will bear the main responsibility. to add to economic and social debts an environmental debt of a completely different nature. "

Since its introduction, Emmanuel Macron evokes "the particular echo" what does his discourse on the ecological transition mean, since "For several weeks, a protest movement of the price of fuel has grown in the country."

"This movement has given rise to major demonstrations and to unacceptable violence both in France and overseas, and I do not confuse these unacceptable acts with the demonstration on which they have grafted themselves. fellow citizens who want to get a message across. "

According to the President of the Republic, the urgency is "to build a new, more productive, educational and social model ".

The speech of Emmanuel Macron begins at the moment.

Hello Virginie,

A BVA survey on this topic was published the day before this mobilization day. 72% of respondents said they recognized themselves in the claims of "yellow vests". Only 39% of the French said they wanted this movement to stop quickly, while 59% of them wish on the contrary that it increases or continues as currently.

In this regard, find our badysis:


This is indeed one of the stakes of this discourse: not to stir up the social conflict that erupted ten days ago, or even to try to appease it. A goal to say the least complicated to achieve, both the French who made the safety vest the emblem of their fight against the rise in the carbon tax carry a multifactorial anger, protean and unpublished. And they deploy without a leader – even if they have been trying to organize since Monday – escaping political parties as well as trade unions.

The speech of Emmanuel Macron will be followed by an intervention of the Minister of Ecology, François de Rugy, which should outline the Multiannual Energy Program (EPP). This roadmap, which is the goal of the 2015 Energy Transition Law, aims to tackle the challenge of climate change by drastically limiting greenhouse gas emissions and diversifying the electricity mix by reducing France's dependence on nuclear energy.

The President of the Republic and his prime minister, Edouard Philippe, were able to measure the flammability of the problem: how to reconcile an ambitious policy of reducing emissions against alarming climate change, while avoiding social revolts. This is the challenge of the speech of the day.

Hello everyone,

We will follow live the speech of Emmanuel Macron on the ecological transition, scheduled to start at 10:30 am. The President "Set the course of the energy transition and define the method of construction of a pact of ecological conversion in France"said the Elysee Monday evening.

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