From rififi to insubordinate France. Ten days after the shattering withdrawal of Charlotte Girard, one of his figures, and a few hours after the departure of Corinne Morel-Darleux, a member of the Left Party leadership, the tension is palpable within the movement founded by Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
And the disappointing defeat of the unsubdued candidate in the former riding of Manuel Valls, in Essonne, did not settle anything. That is why the direction of the movement seems determined to clean up. And this, on the side of his current sovereignist and secular in particular.
Its "electoral committee" delivered Tuesday, November 27 a verdict without appeal, about its list of candidates for the European elections. In addition to two other spontaneous departures of women candidates, linked, again, to political disagreements, it was revealed in a statement, that three personalities of the movement, Djordje Kuzmanovic, François Cocq and Laurent Courtois, were simply removed from the list.
False explanations?
To the first two, some of their positions are very formally criticized. "Sexist" and "considering feminist and LGBT struggles as secondary" with regard to Djordje Kuzmanovic. No reference is made to his controversial comments on immigration. Advisor to Jean-Luc Mélenchon since 2013, he rebelled against the "good conscience of the left" on this subject, in the columns of L'Obs.
As for Laurent Courtois, the release of France Insoumise evokes "several testimonies received stating unacceptable behavior towards women". Nothing, on the other hand, I was pointed out off, on his very critical platform signed in early November. Circulate, they only want to see one head.
News of Jean-Marc Ayrault while Francois Hollande had recently wondered about his fate while we do not "hear more in the media". "We had to promise him something," the former head of state added, ironically.
And Francois Hollande may have been right. According to our information, his former prime minister would have been promised a place in the Constitutional Council. The current Minister of Ecological Transition François de Rugy, who was his deputy mayor of Nantes, would have made the request to Richard Ferrand during the transition to the presidency of the National Assembly.
Three seats must be released in 2019 among the Sages. One would be reserved for Jacques Mézard, once again Senator, since he left the Ministry of Cohesion of the territories last October.
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