The morale of the French touches the bottom


The situation makes economists fear the worst for growth and job prospects. As the relay Point Tuesday, November 27, the latest study of INSEE reveals that the " household trust Was 92 points, 3 points lower than in October. It is " its lowest level since February 2015 Explains to Point the public body. INSEE reminds that household morale is today " well below its long-term average ".

The morale of the French in free fall >>

– The Point (@LePoint) November 27, 2018

How to explain such a fall? " We could expect a decline, given the current socio-economic climate. But such a fall is disturbing "Says Point Hélène Baudchon, an economist at BNP Paribas. " We are not at the trough of the wave of the years 2013-2014, but we are still very low, especially if we compare the current figure to that reached after the election of Emmanuel Macron (108), "adds Mathieu Plane, researcher at OFCE. According to INSEE's details, this decline is justified by a renewed pessimism about the national economic context. Fears about unemployment have thus increased by 21 points, the highest level observed since November 2016. For economist Mathieu Plane, the risk " it is that there is a precautionary savings that is formed, which would indeed penalize growth. "

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