Éric Drouet was received at the Ministry of Ecology and felt that he had already "opened the dialogue".
Spokesmen of the movement "yellow vests" refuse to meet with Prime Minister Philippe before the new event scheduled for Saturday, December 1 in Paris, announced on franceinfo Wednesday, November 28, one of the spokesmen of the movement, Eric Drouet, which confirms the call to demonstrate Saturday on the Champs-Elysees in Paris.
The Prime Minister has said he is ready to receive representatives of the "yellow vests" movement, but Éric Drouet has declined the invitation for the moment. "in the context where it is just before the Saturday of the event and because the representatives of each region are not yet there".
Éric Drouet was received Tuesday, November 27 at the Ministry of Ecology by François de Rugy and estimated to have already "open the dialogue". "We've given our findings and the claims that have been polled all over the place. [le gouvernement] work on it. We can not be received right away. "
Wednesday afternoon, one of the eight spokespersons for the movement of yellow vests, Jason Herbert, announced on Franceinfo that only two of them, Eric Drouet and Priscillia Ludosky, would remain "the interlocutors of the government". Others become "spokespersons with the same reach as any of the yellow vests"added Jason Herbert.
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