the new target of yellow vests?


Automatic speed cameras, symbols of the "racket of motorists" would be increasingly targeted since the beginning of the movement initiated November 17.

One out of five out of service radar?

At the national level, the site estimated in an article published on November 25 that 20% of the fleet of automatic speed cameras (not counting the red light or mobile radars) would have been put out of service, or 600 cabins out of a total of about 3000 distributed throughout the territory . A figure that could not for the moment confirm the Ministry of the Interior.

Among the most affected departments, we can mention the Pas-de-Calais, with more than 40% of the radars of the department targeted according to the correspondent of BFM TV, or the Haute-Loire, with 18 cabins degraded out of 28 in total. For its part, the prefecture of Charente today reported on the "numerous degradations that will weigh on the finances of public authorities", citing the figure of 42 radars targeted.

In recent days, many degradations that will weigh on the finances of public authorities were found: 42 radars, 2 gas stations, 2 safety rails, 10 traffic signs, 50 parking meters and 2 cash.

– Prefect of the Charente (@ Prefet16) November 27, 2018

In the Landes department, we also exceed half of the fleet, with 14 out of 27 radars, note France Blue Gascony. The prefecture has confirmed this figure but remains cautious about formally attributing all these acts to the movement of yellow vests. Some opponents to the 80 km / h continue for example to target the radars to express their dissatisfaction.

Degradations mainly minor

When counting after the first weekend of action, the site listed the different types of damage on the 200 identified cases. The stroke of paint – Corsica Morning for example, booths repainted in yellow – was largely in the lead with nearly one out of every two radar out of service this way, in front of "about forty radars packed in garbage bags, plasticized or masked with taped cartons" and thirty cabins covered with the famous yellow vest.

Heavier damage would remain a minority with 22 cabins burned and three destroyed more original: torn off, cut or attacked to the mbad.

The cost of repair varies greatly depending on the damage to the radars. From the simple pbadage of a police patrol to undress or remove a yellow vest to an intervention of a specialized team to remove paint or completely replace the cabin, the bill can rise to 80,000 euros for the replacement of a fixed radar and much more for an autonomous radar or stretch.

Heavy penalties

At the end of last week, AFP reported that three people claiming as "yellow vests" had been apprehended by gendarmes in the suburbs of Toulouse in the act of degradation of an automatic radar and then placed in custody. The total number of people arrested for this reason is unknown.

For this type of crime,The authors are liable to a fine of 3750 euros, with a penalty of community service for simple degradations. For larger damages, the penalty is much more severe with a maximum penalty of five years in prison and 75,000 euros fine. And up to seven years in prison and 100,000 euros "when the act of vandalism was committed by several people acting as an author or accomplice or by a person voluntarily concealing, in whole or in part, his face in order to not to be identified, "says the Ministry of the Interior.

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