The people do not jostle to support the Yellow Vests … Franck Dubosc dared!


Remember, it was September 6, 2015: 66 artists had launched a solemn call in the press, pledging to give one of their stamps for migrants. According to the JDD, this call " [témoignait] of the magnitude of emotion in civil society "- it is true that the photo of the little Aylan had been around the world a few days ago – and gathered together such important people as Line Renaud, Isabelle Adjani, Florence Foresti, Michel Boujenah, Francis Huster or Marc Lavoine.

For yellow vests, on the other hand, people do not jostle, and are even, so to speak, absent subscribers. No doubt they do not judge their misery sufficient, probably they do not find them touching, no doubt they have other priorities, affinities, desires for solidarity … what do you want, the heart has reasons that reason do not know, do you?

However, to speak only of him, the recent testimony, become viral, of this breeder of poultry of Bresse, which says to have provided the Élysée, is edifying, worrying, not to say terrifying: no one can reproach them for roll the thumbs. They tried everything, it does not fit. The breeder says he works 77 hours a week to earn 700 euros a month. At 33, and despite his 16,000 poultry, he must rely on his mother – who must not be either Mrs. Rockefeller – to fill his fridge. A complaint that is reminiscent of certain scene of the literature of the nineteenthe when the peasant comes to put his poulardes on the table of the office, and leaves, head down, with the few coins that a scornful intendante has kindly sent him.

In the drip, however, some celebrities dare to express their support. They hold on the fingers of one hand, and again, that of an ectrodactyle …

After Arnaud Ducret and Patrick Sébastien, here is Franck Dubosc: « We need to be with you, we favor them ", He published on his Facebook page" We have to find something. I talk to friends ". Which friends? He does not say more. Perhaps the above mentioned. Perhaps others still, do we ever know, that we do not suspect, still a little cowards or lazy or long to relax, and that he tries to shoot by the feet?

It is amusing to note that those who have manifested themselves have already had to suffer in the past, like yellow vests, the seal of infamy "beauf" stuck on their backs: Patrick Sebastian for making "turn towels", Franck Dubosc for his leading role in Camping, and even, less openly, Arnaud Ducret that we saw last year in the poster in the beautiful movie Mr. I know everythingbecause he is starring in a popular series with another "Monsieur", Mr. Everybody this time, a father with both feet in real life, and not in ideology as it is now on TV .

The bets are open: among the favorites, I would say – for free, without the shadow of the beginning of a proof, I specify, far from me the desire to "fakenewser"! – Jean-Pierre Pernaut, then Christian Clavier, and perhaps Jean Dujardin, although a recent tweet on the Brazilian elections may suggest that he has not yet understood all the populism …

Franck Dubosc in any case, he understood: it is his public, the French who love him, who today manifest their indignation. And in turn, he sends them back the elevator, as one shows a little attention, empathy and affection for friends in adversity.

The yellow vests, for sure, he will be grateful.

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