The presence of the tiger mosquito reported since its appearance in 4 wilayas


ALGIERS – The presence of Aedes albopictus, commonly known as the tiger mosquito, a species introduced in Europe in the 1990s and which continues to spread from one country to another, has been reported since its appearance in Algeria in 2010 in four wilayas: Tizi-Ouzou, Oran, Algiers and Jijel, indicate the specialized services of the Pasteur Institute of Algeria (IPA).

The tiger mosquito proliferates in urban area, easily adapts to different biotopes and its eggs are resistant to desiccation for a long time, that is to say, the action of drying out the medium in which they are found. In addition, this species is receptive to the Chikungunya virus, dengue and Zika, alert the same services.

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In Algeria, the accidental presence of the tiger mosquito was reported for the first time, in June 2010, in Larbaa-Nath-Iraten, in the wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou. Only one specimen had been captured. Since then, no activity of this mosquito has been reported in the region.

In December 2015, following complaints from residents of a strong nuisance caused by mosquitoes, during the summer, IPA entomologists had confirmed the introduction of this species to Ain Turk (Oran).

A strong nuisance of the tiger mosquito was then reported in July 2016 in Algiers by residents of Zonka district, between Birkhadem and Ain Naadja. The entomological survey confirmed the presence of Aedes albopictus at all stages of its development (eggs, larvae and adults).

The mosquito control operations were initiated by Hurbal (the establishment in charge of urban hygiene and environmental protection in the wilaya of Algiers), and continued until the disappearance of the mosquito, recalls the IPA.

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In August 2017 and following the various complaints of residents of the Vieux Kouba district of mosquito bites, an entomological survey was conducted to identify the species. The catches showed the presence of Aedes albopictus with high density at all stages of its development.

Insecticide treatments with Deltamethrin fumigation had affected all homes where eggs and larvae of tiger mosquito had been found and had lasted several months. Despite all the efforts of Hurbal's mosquito control service, the tiger mosquito had spread to other parts of the capital, Saoula, Khracia and Hussein Dey.

In the east of the country, proliferation of this mosquito was confirmed in August 2017 in Jijel.

Regarding the measures taken or to be undertaken, IPA specialized services believe that the spread of the insect is a "real threat to the wilayas of the Algerian littoral. and wetlands ". "Its larvae develop mainly in breeding places produced by the inhabitants themselves (containers, utensils, used tires, etc. abandoned and containing water)", they explain, baduring, however, that "the control of the density of this mosquito is feasible "and that it is sufficient, for this, a" broad awareness of the population. "

Read also: The Zika virus can also be transmitted by the mosquito common

For this purpose , an information and awareness campaign for citizens, through various media, has already been launched by the IPA team and will continue in the coming weeks.

On the other hand, the entomological surveillance at the use of nest traps (to detect mosquito eggs) will be continued in order to "monitor the densities of this mosquito in colonized areas and, also, to evaluate the impact of mosquito control".

a positive diagnosis of the de la virus nave, chikungunya or Zika, a thermo-nebulization treatment with Deltamethrin must be immediately performed.

The IPA services warn, however, that the insecticide treatments, called "comfort", recommended to reduce nuisance, "should not be carried out in the long term as they may cause resistance to the insecticides used."

In terms of cooperation and in the context of scientific exchange and training, the IPA undertook a collaboration scientist with the Interdepartmental Agreement on Mosquito Control on the Mediterranean Coast (EID), French body responsible for the fight against the tiger mosquito

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