VIDEO – The Prime Minister is preparing Thursday and Friday the local "big consultation" of three months, wanted by Emmanuel Macron. In this context, it will receive the members of the National Council for Energy Transition (CNTE) and a delegation of "yellow vests".
The government is trying to regain control of the "yellow vests" movement. While a new call to demonstrate Saturday in Paris on the Champs Elysees has been launched, the Prime Minister begins this Thursday morning two days of consultations in Matignon to organize the "big consultation" local three months, wanted by Emmanuel Macron. The objective: "to propose practical solutions" adapted to the territories in order to calm the growl of the "yellow vests".
For two days, members of the National Council for Energy Transition (CNTE), an advisory body on the environment and energy that brings together 50 members from diverse backgrounds, will march to Matignon. The idea is to define a working method to define a concrete solution of accompaniment "of the ecological transition, explained Wednesday Philippe BFMTV on the other hand which confirmed the increase of the taxes on the fuels on January 1st. The exact form of this national consultation, which will last three months, remains to be established. Édouard Philippe gave some hints: he wants representatives of "yellow vests" to participate and that these debates take place in several cities in each department.
Philippe ready to receive a "representative" delegation of "yellow vests" – Watch on Figaro Live
A delegation of "yellow vests" received Friday
They are elected officials of local authorities who start the ball at 9 o'clock. They will be followed by representatives of the employers at 11:30, civil society badociations expected at 15:30, and parliamentarians at 17 hours. On Friday, Édouard Philippe receives the representatives of the unions at 9 am, followed by the president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), also a member of the CNTE, Patrick Bernasconi.
In addition, spokespersons for "yellow vests" announced that a delegation will be received at Matignon Friday at 14 hours. Matignon confirmed this meeting, stating that François de Rugy, the Minister of Ecology will also be present. Eric Drouet, one of the spokesmen of the "yellow vests" already received Tuesday by the Minister of Ecology, has already declined this invitation, saying he has already "opened the dialogue" with the government. With Priscillia Ludosky, the second "yellow vest" to participate in the meeting last Tuesday with François de Rugy, he submitted grievances, and came out "disappointed", saying he did not feel in the government "desire to to improve the lot of people. Reiterating the call to demonstrate Saturday, he believes that the delegation that will be received by Édouard Philippe is not representative of all the "yellow vests", he wrote on his Facebook page "La France enervée".
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