The prohibition to report police checks disappears from the transport law


A measure allowing the authorities to temporarily prohibit driver badistance applications such as Waze or Coyote from relaying information on the presence of police roadblocks has disappeared from the Mobility Orientation Bill (LOM).

Waze and Coyote can blow. A measure in Article 24 of the draft Mobility Orientation Bill issued in August, which banned driver badistance applications from rebroadcasting messages from their users that signaled the presence of military forces. of the order operating in particular blood alcohol tests or looking for people abducted or on the run (kidnapping alert, terrorism, arms trafficking …), for a period of three hours to 24 hours, was removed from the draft law.

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This provision was part of a package announced by Prime Minister Philippe Philippe on January 9 at an Interdepartmental Council on Road Safety (IRB). Article 31 of the bill, presented Monday in the Council of Ministers and with a new numbering, takes measures relating to road safety (sanctions against the use of the phone while driving, alcohol immobilizer immobilizer …), but none relate to the reporting of roadside checks.

"There were ambiguities about the fact that this measure could be used for speed checks, whereas in reality it concerns very serious behavior, in particular crime. In the current context, the government wants additional teaching time, "told AFP a source close to the file. "It is not abandoned, but we must take the time to dispel doubts," added the source.

"A big victory" for 40 million motorists

The badociation 40 million motorists hailed "a great victory". "The state understood that banning the timely dissemination of road reports was not just about setting up a gas plant, but also about making a real declaration of war against road users, already caught in the throat by an astronomical quantity of measures putting them in difficulty on a daily basis and directly impacting their mobility and their purchasing power, "said the general delegate of the badociation.

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For ten days, the movement of "yellow vests" protests everywhere in France against rising fuel prices and, more generally, against the government's fiscal policy and for the decline in purchasing power.

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