The proposals of the President of the Republic


The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, responded to the yellow vests on Tuesday after nine days of mobilization. In order to justify the continuation of the fuel tax increase, which triggered this general indignation, the Head of State listed measures taken to move away from fossil fuels, reduce pollution and promote ecological transition. .

The fuel tax:

A three-monthly badessment of the tax and a national debate that can take place in the territories in order to adapt it to the oil market.


– The closure of coal plants by 2022
– The closure of the two nuclear power plants in Fessenheim in 2020
– The closure of 14 nuclear reactors by 2035
– 7 to 8 billion euros per year devoted to renewable energies

The demands of yellow vests:

Do not give up the tax but change the way of working to adapt it to French citizens.

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