The Stamp: indictment for injecting insulin to his baby


At the Tampon, a baby suffered significant sequelae following the voluntary injection of insulin carried out by his mother. The latter was brought before the court of Saint-Pierre before being put under examination.

As revealed by our confreres of Daily a mother aged 31 years would have voluntarily injected insulin to his 8-month-old baby

In emergencies, the baby is between life and death

On the evening of June 17, the woman goes with her 28-year-old companion to pediatric emergencies of Saint-Pierre . In care, the infant is "unconscious and suffers from intracranial hypertension, it is between life and death."

An overdose of insulin and traces of bites

In badyzes, a high rate of insulin is detected, evidence of an overdose present in the body of the baby, on which traces of bites are noted.

The couple is immediately placed in custody. The father is innocent, the suspicions are on the thirties.

Sequelae that could be irremediable

Referred to the court of Saint-Pierre, she is indicted for voluntary administration of harmful substances on minors under 15 years and by ascendant

If the baby could be saved, this voluntary administration of insulin should leave serious consequences.

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