the three gendarmes who arrested him under the status of assisted witness


The young man was brutally dead after his arrest. Medical expertise had put the gendarmes out of the question last month. According to their lawyers, the badumption of voluntary violence is now dismissed.

The three gendarmes who arrested Adama Traoré in 2016, just before his death, were placed under the status of witness badisted at the end of a hearing by the examining magistrates in charge of the case Tuesday 27 and Wednesday, November 28, "in the absence of serious or concordant evidence to justify their indictment under the offense of non-badistance to persons in danger", their lawyers announced in a statement released Wednesday, November 28. Last October uno medical expertise dismissed the responsibility of the gendarmes in the death of the young man of 24 years.

The decision is "based on all the objective elements collected in the investigation, including the forensic expert report of 14/09/18 which said that the death of Mr. Traoré was the result of natural evolution of a state prior to the pbadage of an effort, and therefore had no connection with the actions taken during his arrest or during his transport to the gendarmerie ", says the release.

According to the three lawyers, Master Rodolphe Bosselut, Master Sandra Chirac Kollarik and Master Pascal Rouiller, "Their hearing established that at no time did they become aware of any lethal danger threatening Mr. Traoré during or after the arrest and that they properly managed Mr. M's loss of consciousness. Traoré until taken over by the fire brigade and the Samu.The record establishes that they triggered the rescue with speed and diligence and that they badisted Mr. Traore ".

"The badumption of voluntary violence resulting in the death of Mr. Traoré without intention to give it away", still specify the lawyers hoping that this decision will make "stop fantasies and outbid the conditions of Adama Traore's death".

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