The tiger mosquito should come to the Grand Duchy


For several years, the tiger mosquito, feared for its propensity to carry diseases such as dengue and chikungunya, has established itself in Europe, and in particular in neighboring countries in Luxembourg. Even if it has not been detected yet, "there is no reason for the Grand Duchy to be spared," says Dr. Jean-Claude Schmit, Director of Health.

As such, the Health Department plans to set up a system of systematic monitoring of the mosquito-tiger from next year, especially in the motorway and train or bus terminals (the mosquito tiger can arrive in Luxembourg with the help of tourists).

No "really dangerous" species today

More broadly, the Ministry of the Environment, Naturmuseum and the Directorate of Health plan to create with a Swiss expert a map of mosquitoes in the Grand Duchy. While there are around 3,500 species in the world, a good twenty are listed in Luxembourg. "There are no really dangerous species for humans in the Grand Duchy, notes Jean-Claude Schmit. Mosquitoes transmitting malaria are, for example, absent ".

As a reminder, a few simple actions can prevent the spread of mosquitoes at home. It is thus necessary to avoid having at home stagnant water of small volume, like the saucers under the flowerpots, even the buckets where the rainwater is deposited. Care must also be taken to dispose of old tires, which are the preferred breeding ground for this insect.

Jonathan Vaucher's report for "L'essentiel Radio":

(Olivier Loyens / The essential)

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