The vegan association Peta stands against the street of Saucisse in a village of Dordogne


"We want the villagers to think about the cruelty of making sausages," explains Peta to franceinfo. But the villagers do not agree.

Stop at rue de la Saucisse. The vegan badociation Peta asks the mayor of Issigeac, a medieval village of Dordogne, to change the name of this alley. "Let it be clear, this is not a criticism that is made to the mayor of Issigeac.It is not a request to take in the first degree.It is a more playful way to mediate what we is important, that is to say the animal cause "explains Peta, contacted by franceinfo Wednesday 28 November.

"At first, I really believed in the gag, but after checking, I realized that it was an official step", declares on his side to Parisian Jean-Claude Castagner, the mayor of this village of 760 inhabitants. "They are strongly opposed to this denomination and they even advise us to rename it Rue Soy-cisse, in reference to soy in English, it's anything and it's out of the question for me to do it!" gets carried away in everyday life. However, the name of the street could be changed to avoid "to undermine the dignity of a woman", but no decision has yet been taken.

Why point the street of the sausage? "Because we want villagers to think about the cruelty of making sausages", Peta answers. "These people are completely off topic, retorts Parisian Elma Laporte, the only year-round resident of this alley. Sausage has nothing to do with pork. This is the nickname that the villagers gave to one of theirs at the beginning of the 20th century, because it was vaulted. Her name was Suzanne Tessier and the elders say that she loved that nickname so why this step today? "

The badociation is not at its first stroke. Other towns and cities in France were entitled to the same mail. In Lille, in 2016, the badociation wanted the rue du Ham to be renamed rue des hams. In Caen, the cheese street is renamed the street to the false mage. Other letters could soon leave, ensures Peta Franceinfo.

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