the very young and the women also concerned


"Children, adults, men, women, seniors, we are all concerned"recalls awareness campaign on World Stroke Day on Monday, a disease that makes more than 140,000 victims a year in France. One in six people will have a stroke in their life, not just seniors.

Indeed, nearly 25% of strokes occur before age 65 and it is not going to diminish: More and more young people are hospitalized for stroke. The cause is high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, tobacco and alcohol, drugs and air pollution.

The under 30s concerned

There are approximately 17,000 strokes per year in New Aquitaine, including 2,200 in Limousin. In Limoges, a medical team radiates in the area and makes home visits to stroke victims at the request of the patient. The team is led by Dr. David Bernikier.

Of the hundred or so patients followed on average per year by Dr. Bernikier, there are two to three young people under 30 : "This increases the risk of having a stroke before the age of 30, it is the regular and combined intake of drugs, especially cannabis, and alcohol. If this consumption of drugs and alcohol becomes commonplace, this is where it becomes worrying! I was confronted with very hard situations, with young people becoming bedridden and totally dependent, following a stroke. "

Women, the first victims

Women, regardless of their age, are also concerned. Before bad cancer, there is stroke, the leading cause of death among women: there are more than 50,000 to be hospitalized each year for a cerebrovascular accident and nearly 20,000 succumb.

Women live longer so they are more exposed. Among the triggers: the pill and cigarette combination, a particularly dangerous badtail, especially if the patient is migraine or diabetic. Pregnancy and menopause with hormone replacement therapy are also periods of risk.

After a stroke, one in two women end up with a motor disabilitythat is, a paralyzed arm or leg or speech difficulties. But the handicap can also be invisible: problems of memory, attention, depression, anxiety and that can go up to the badual disorders.

To limit the risks, and it is valid for all the categories of population, a proper lifestyle is needed with less tobacco, less sugar and regular sports, ie 10,000 steps a day at a minimum.

First women affected by stroke - None
The first women affected by stroke

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