The virus does not catch: Dengue: 119 new cases. 6152 people infected since January


119 cases of dengue fever occurred between July 2nd and 8th, 2018, indicates the prefecture this Tuesday evening July 17th. Since the beginning of the year 6152 people have been infected by the virus. It should be noted that a decrease in dengue fever has been reported indirectly. "Despite a fall in the number of reported cases, the epidemic is continuing at the beginning of the austral winter, with the transition to level 4 of the ORSEC plan. all actors must remain mobilized during the austral winter to avoid a large-scale epidemic during the next t "fore the prefecture. The messages of prevention are reinforced the arrival of the holidays and the displacements of many people.

Epidemiological situation on July 17, 2018

(data of OI Wax, Public Health France)

From July 2 to 8 ( data from last week being consolidated), 119 cases of dengue fever have been diagnosed and are distributed in the following areas:

• In the west: Nfles and La Plaine woods (12 cases), Saint -Paul, Road station and Pond (14 cases), The Port (21 cases), Possession (18 cases), Saint-Gilles-les-Bains (9 cases), Saint-Leu (3 cases), Saint-Gilles- les-Hauts (5 cases)

• In the south: Ravine des Cabris (5 cases), Saint-Pierre (4 cases), Etang-Sal (3 cases), Saint-Louis (5 cases) , Buffer (4 cases), Saint-Joseph (1 case), Avirons (3 cases), Saint-Philippe (1 case).

• In the north: The Mountain (1 case), Saint -Clotilde (2 cases), Saint-Denis city (3 cases), Sainte Marie (1 case).

In total since the dbu In the year 2018, we recorded:

• 131 hospitalizations for dengue fever (of which 10 last week)

• 394 emergency department visits.

as indirectly dengue

Pbadenger information

A person contaminated by dengue fever The Runion can, without knowing it, introduce the virus while traveling and be the origin of a transmission of the disease. The priest of La Runion reminds travelers of the following prevention advice:

The Runion:
– Protect against mosquito bites to avoid contracting dengue fever during their stay.

their departure from La Runion:
– to consult their doctor in case of appearance of the signs of the disease in the 7 days following their arrival destination

– to continue to protect against the mosquito bites in the days following their arrival destination not to transmit the disease. 19659017] Reminder of the recommendations the population

The action of fight against the dengue led by all the actors (ARS Indian Ocan, communes, intercommunalits, SDIS, RSMA …) is effective only in complement with the mobilization of the population

It is now, during the austral winter, that we must act together to fight against mosquitoes:

– to protect oneself from the stings (repulsive, long clothes) and to protect his entourage [19659010] – eliminate the places where the larvae develop and empty anything that may contain water

– consult a doctor immediately, in case of heavy fever, joint pains, headaches, extreme tiredness

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